Thursday, 27 March 2014

122 gambar ditemui tapi belum sah MH370

  1. Biarpun sudah ada gambar satelit yang menemui 122 objek di Lautan Hindi, setakat ini masih belum ada pengesahan ia merupakan bangkai pesawat MH370. Seperti biasa PWTC dihujani pelbagai pertanyaan pelik-pelik, namun MH370 belum disahkan berpusara di koridor selatan Lautan Hindi.
  2. Terbaru, imej satelit Airbus Defence and Space yang diteliti Agensi Remote Sensing Malaysia (MRSA) menemui 122 objek berpotensi serpihan pesawat Malaysia Airlines (MAS) MH370 di selatan Lautan Hindi.
  3. Objek-objek yang bertebaran di kawasan seluas 400 km persegi itu terletak 2,557 km dari Perth, Australia. Objek-objek itu didapati bersinar, berbentuk keras dan objek paling panjang berukuran 23 meter.
  4. Kerajaan segera menyalurkan maklumat satelit itu kepada pusat koordinasi operasi di Perth, Australia dan ini merupakan petunjuk terbaharu. Dengan ini, Malaysia sudah mempunyai empat petunjuk imej satelit termasuk daripada Australia, China dan Perancis untuk mengesan serpihan pesawat. Namun setakat ini kerajaan tidak boleh memaklumkan sama ada objek yang berpotensi itu adalah dari MH370.
  5. Bagi operasi pencarian, Australia terus kekal mengetuai pencarian di selatan Lautan Hindi. Operasi dipecahkan kepada dua sektor iaitu timur dan barat dengan melibatkan penyertaan pelbagai aset udara dan marin.
  6. Pencarian udara di sektor timur akan melibatkan satu pesawat P3 Orion Australia, tiga pesawat sivil Australia, satu pesawat Ilyushin IL-76 China dan satu pesawat P3 Orion Australia.
  7. Pencarian di sektor barat pula melibatkan satu pesawat Amerika Syarikat (AS) P8 Poseidon, satu pesawat Korea Selatan P3 Orion, satu pesawat Jepun P3 Orion, dua pesawat Australia P3 Orion dan satu pesawat sivil Australia. Kapal Australia HMAS Success telah dihantar ke sektor barat manakala kapal China, Xue Long dihantar ke sektor Timur.
  8. Sementara itu, sebuah kumpulan kerja antarabangsa telah ditubuhkan untuk mengkaji lebih lanjut data daripada satelit Inmarsat dan menentukan lokasi terakhir pesawat MH370. Kumpulan itu terdiri daripada Inmarsat, Cawangan Siasatan Kemalangan Udara United Kingdom (AAIB), Jabatan Penerbangan Awam China (CAAC), agensi AAID dari China, National Transport Safety Board (NTSB) AS, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) AS, Boeing, Rolls Royce dan agensi- agensi Malaysia berkaitan.

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Kremlin dakwa USA rampas MH370

  1. Media luar negara masih belum lagi mahu berhenti menyebar spekulasi mengenai misteri kehilangan pesawat MH370. Terbaru mereka menyiarkan laporan yang diedarkan di Kremlin yang disediakan oleh Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces (GRU).
  2. Laporan itu menyebut Tentera Laut Amerika Syarikat “merampas dan mengalihkan" MH370 ke satu kem rahsia dipercayai terletak di Diego Garcia, Lautan Hindi  MH370 (juga dikenali MH748 melalui perkongsian kod dengan penerbangan China Southern Airlines) sudah berada di bawah pengawasan GRU sebaik saja menerima maklumat terdapat kargo “mencurigakan”.
  3. Kargo itu dikatakan mempunyai kaitan dengan Republik Seyschelles. Sebelum itu, risikan mendapati kargo berkenaan berada di dalam kapal kontena MV Maersk Alabama.
  4. GRU mendakwa kargo itu dipindahkan dari MV Maersk Alabama ke MH370 dalam tempoh 24 jam oleh dua Tentera Laut Amerika Syarikat yang terlatih iaitu Mark Daniel Kennedy, 43, dan Jeffrey Keith Reynolds, 44 dijumpai mati di dalam "keadaan yang mencurigakan".
  5. Kennedy dan Reynolds, adalah pekerja di firma keselamatan The Trident Group yang diasaskan oleh US Navy Special Operations Personnel (SEAL’s) dan Senior US Naval Surface Warfare Officers yang telah lama diketahui oleh GRU berfungsi untuk melindungi pemindahan aset-aset penting meliputi bahan-bahan atom dan biologi di seluruh dunia.
  6. Setelah GRU mengesahkan bahawa kargo "sangat mencurigakan" berada di atas kapal MH370 pada 8 Mac, Moscow segera memaklumkan Kementerian Keselamatan Dalam Negeri China (MSS) kebimbangan mereka dan segera menerima "jaminan” bahawa "semua langkah" akan diambil bagi memastikan apa yang telah disimpan akan kekal tersembunyi sebaik sahaja pesawat ini memasuki ruang udara mereka.
  7. Walau bagaimanapun, laporan ini turut menyebut atas sebab-sebab masih tidak diketahui, MSS telah bersiap sedia untuk mengalihkan Penerbangan MH370 dari destinasi yang dijadualkan di Beijing ke Haikou Meilan International Airport (HAK) yang terletak di Wilayah Hainan (aka Pulau Hainan)
  8. Sebelum memasuki Zon “The People Liberation Army” (PLA) yang dilindungi di Laut China Selatan atau dikenali juga sebagai Kepulauan Spratly, Penerbangan 370 "ketara menyimpang" dari laluan penerbangannya dan telah dikesan oleh satelit dan radar VKO terbang ke Lautan Hindi serta melengkapkan penerbangan hampir 3,447 kilometer (2,142 batu) ke Diego Garcia.
  9. Ketika penyimpangan penerbangan MH370 berlaku, pakar-pakar GRU menyebut, semua akses komunikasi telefon bimbit yang dikendalikan oleh China Mobile tersekat di keseluruhan Kepulauan Spratly.
  10. Bagaimana Tentera Laut Amerika Syarikat mampu untuk mengalihkan penerbangan MH370 ke pangkalan Diego Garcia? Laporan itumenyebut ia dilakukan dari jauh kerana pesawat Boeing 777-200ER dilengkapi dengan sistem terbang-dengan-wayar (fly-by-wire - FBW) yang berupaya menggantikan manual kawalan penerbangan pesawat konvensional dengan antara muka elektronik bagi membolehkan ia dikawal secara jarak jauh seperti kendalian mana-mana pesawat dron.
  11. Meskipun pesawat ini mampu dikawal dari jauh, sistem komunikasi hanya boleh dinyah-aktif secara manual; dan dalam insiden MH370, sistem laporan datanya telah ditutup pada jam 01:07 pagi, diikuti dengan transponder (alat yang menghantar lokasi dan altitud) yang telah ditutup pada jam 01:21
  12. Apa yang membingungkan, dari analisis GRU media pro Amerika Syarikat dilihat masih belum menuntut plot radar dan imej satelit Lautan Hindi dan Laut China Selatan daripada rejim Obama. Hal ini disebabkan kepentingan kawasan ini di mana tentera AS melindungi keseluruhan kawasan di Diego Garcia kerana kawasan ini mempunyai kepentingan dari segi lorong udara dan perkapalan.
  13. Kesimpulan penting dari laporan GRU, Amerika Syarikat sebenarnya menyembunyikan fakta "kehilangan" MH370 kerana mereka pernah melakukannya sebelum ini iaitu selepas peristiwa 11 September 2011 apabila rejim Bush "menghilangkan" penerbangan American Airlines Flight 77 yang membawa 64 penumpang dan anak kapal selepas secara palsu mendakwa ia akan menghentam Pentagon, tetapi kemudiannya telah disahkan oleh CNN perkara berkenaan tidak berlaku.
  14. (EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.)

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Serpihan MH370 ditemui, kotak hitam selesaikan spekulasi

  1. Spekulasi pelik-pelik mengenai kehilangan MH370 bakal terlerai berikutan pengesahan serpihan pesawat yang bakal menemukan rangka, mayat penumpang dan kotak hitam tidak lama lagi.
  2. Persoalan seperti mengapa pesawat keluar daripada laluan udara, apakah ia dirampas atau perbuatan bunuh diri, semuanya bakal dijawab selepas kerajaan meneliti kotak hitam sedikit masa lagi. Ini sekaligus dapat menangkis tohmahan pihak tertentu yang mempunyai motif tertentu membuat dan menyebarkan spekulasi masing-masing.
  3. Ada spekulasi dilemparkan dengan tujuan mahu merendah-rendahkan maruah Malaysia dan ada juga spekulasi disebarkan sekadar mahu meraih populariti, menaikkan rating tontonan, menarik iklan, menambah jualan bahan cetak dan sebagainya.
  4. Penemuan Kotak Hitam amat ditunggu walaupun ia mungkin mengambil masa yang lama. Namun dari raut keyakinan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak yang mengesahkan penemuan serpihan itu di koridor selatan Lautan Hindi, misteri kehilangan MH370 akan terlerai.
  5. Berikut ialah kenyataan akhbar oleh Perdana. Malam ini saya diberi taklimat oleh wakil-wakil dari Cawangan Penyiasatan Kemalangan Udara UK (AAIB). Mereka memberitahu saya bahawa Inmarsat, syarikat UK yang menyediakan data satelit meliputi koridor utara dan selatan, telah melakukan pengiraan lanjut terhadap data itu. Dengan mengggunakan kaedah analisis yang belum pernah digunakan dalam sesuatu penyiasatan seumpama ini, mereka telah berjaya membuat pencerahan mengenai laluan penerbangan MH370.
  6. Berdasarkan analisis baharu mereka, Inmarsat dan AAIB telah membuat kesimpulan bahawa MH370 terbang melalui koridor selatan, dan kedudukan terakhirnya adalah di tengah-tengah Lautan Hindi, di barat Perth.
  7. Ini merupakan lokasi yang terpencil, jauh dari sebarang lokasi pendaratan. Justeru itu dengan perasaan sedih dan kesal yang amat sangat, saya perlu memaklumkan anda bahawa menurut data baharu ini, penerbangan MH370 berakhir di selatan Lautan Hindi.
  8. Kami akan mengadakan sidang akhbar esok untuk memaklumkan butiran lanjut.        Sementara itu kami ingin memaklumkan anda mengenai perlembangan terbaharu ini dalam kadar segera. Kami berkongsi maklumat ini atas dasar komitmen kami terhadap keterbukaan dan perasaan hormat kepada seluruh keluarga, dua prinsip yang menjadi panduan penyiasatan ini.
  9. Malaysia Airlines sudah pun memaklumkan kepada semua keluarga penumpang dan anak kapal untuk memberitahu mereka perkembangan ini. Bagi mereka dua minggu yang berlalu cukup memeritkan; saya sedar bahawa berita ini akan lebih sukar lagi. Saya menggesa pihak media supaya menghormati privasi mereka dan memberi mereka ruang menghadapi situasi getir ini.

Friday, 21 March 2014

Daim reads Anwar's mind well

  • Tun Daim Zainuddin seldom speaks or writes for media for the past few years. But when Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim attacked him left and right lately for political reasons, Daim's raised his eyebrows and wrote small piece of Q&A to media (NST) to explain about Anwar's fascination with him as a political topic.
  • Question: Why is Anwar attacking you in his ceramah?
  • Answer: I don't know, I'm not obsessed with him, I have no interest in what he's up to, but the media, every time you see me, you will always ask about him. He is obsessed with me. Maybe he thinks I know too much about him. He finds me a convenient target as I'm not on the ceramah circuit to rebut his nonsense. I'm told he says that Dr M (former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad) and I are scared of PKR winning in Kajang. That's his platform? Let's frighten a few old retirees and vote for PKR because that's going to scare these two old folks? Think about it, what is their platform?
  • First, because Anwar is Churchill to stop the Barisan Nasional onslaught. Then, Anwar is needed to save Selangor from what happened in Perak (with 12 seats in a 50-plus-seat assembly?). Then BN is scared of the cooperation between Pakatan parties if Anwar wins. Then Kajang is necessary for the road to Putrajaya. Then the court found him guilty because he would have won in Kajang, and then etc, etc, etc. Every day is another justification for an unnecessary and pointless by-election.
  • Question: PKR had also alleged that you and Khalid (Selangor Menteri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim) had made a deal concerning Khalid's out-of-court settlement with regards to the latter's case with Bank Islam.
  • Answer: Let's put this in context. No adun (state assemblyman) is ill, dead or convicted. This Kajang move is to solve an internal party problem. (PKR deputy president Azmin Ali) Azmin wants to be menteri besar, Khalid does not want to go, so Anwar steps in and offers himself -- shows the shallowness of his leadership, not to resolve the issue internally but to take an egoistical solution that involves the public and public funds. The biggest loser here is Azmin. If Anwar had won, it was either Anwar or Khalid who would have been menteri besar, not Azmin. Now that it's (Datin Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail) Wan Azizah, it still will not be Azmin. Poor Azmin, all those years of loyalty... but it's typical Anwar -- all solutions lead to him. And if it's not him, then his proxy Wan Azizah steps in.
  • In attacking Khalid, they found that it has backfired, so the only thing left is to discredit Khalid's integrity. So they bring in Anwar's favourite bogeyman -- me.
  • I have not seen or spoken to either Khalid or (Tan Sri) Rashid Manaf (an ex-lawyer and corporate personality) for over 20 years nor do I know anyone in Bank Islam. This was totally orchestrated by Pakatan. They can spin it any which way but, in the end, it is still about PKR's internal problems, whether about the menteri besar's post or Anwar's impending court case at the time of the move.
  • Question: What do you think of this by-election?
  • Answer: Every reason given for the Kajang move has been debunked, so now they are going on the Court of Appeal's verdict. But the case was much earlier than the "move" and it seems quite a coincidence to hold the Kajang move during the dates that were set earlier. It's to distract people from the case, obviously. In this by-election, the circus has come to town. It's a party issue and if it's me, I would not participate in this circus and dance to every tune that he plays. If he wants to syok sendiri (self-glorification), let him lah, but that is just my own opinion.
  • Question: So you think it's a mistake for BN to stand?
  • Answer: Before this, Pas did not agree and DAP has been silent on this issue. With BN's participation, they have no choice but to support Anwar, and now Wan Azizah, and bring unity to Pakatan.
  • The irony here is that DAP has always accused MCA and Gerakan of dancing to Umno's tune. And here, what are they doing? When Anwar makes a decision, they fall in line.
  • Question: Will Wan Azizah win? Will Anwar's guilty verdict make a difference?
  • Answer: Let me put it this way, Anwar would never have stood in any place unless he was sure that he would win and win big. Now Wan Azizah is going for the sympathy vote, and I don't see anything much has changed since the last election to make Kajang voters change their mind. It's only a question of the majority.
  • As for Anwar, those who believe in him, believe he can do no wrong and that he can walk on water, and those who don't, won't.
  • But there is another group of people, the liberal middle class, who are not blind to Anwar's faults and weaknesses, but still think that regardless, they need to have him there because of their dislike for this government.
  • They want change and if he is the one to do it, so be it. They use him; he uses them -- a real symbiotic relationship. Morality does not matter to them.
  • But morality is important in a leader. Tell me, was (former US president) Bill Clinton the only man in America who committed adultery? Was Elliot, what's his name, the US A-G (Elliot Spitzer, the former New York governor and attorney-general) the only man in America who visited prostitutes? So why were they taken to account? Because we demand more from our leaders. That is why it is said that if you want to be a leader, there must be sacrifices.
  • You are not the man in the street. You are a leader and you have to lead by a strong moral code of conduct. Look at Italy under (former prime minister Silvio) Berlusconi; it was a joke.
  • Question: What do you think of the MoU on Langat 2 (water treatment plant)?
  • Answer: I think it's good and good for the people of Selangor. It was the right thing to do and the MB was brave to do it. PKR wanted to haul him up to explain to Anwar. I don't think I have heard that when (Penang Chief Minister Lim) Guan Eng does something in Penang, he has to go explain to (DAP chairman Karpal Singh) Karpal or (DAP supremo Lim) Kit Siang, nor does the Kelantan MB have to seek (Pas president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang) Hadi's approval.
  • Question: You have recently been critical of Najib's administration.
  • Answer: Let me set the record straight here. Najib is a decent man who is trying his best under the most trying of circumstances. I think it was easier during my time to implement policies; now with a strong opposition and social media, everyone is an expert. One football team and 20 million coaches, me included.
  • If we are critical, it is because we want him to succeed. If he is to succeed, he needs a good team of advisers and I'm not sure he has that. The policies and statements that come out do not seem to be well thought out. If I were him, I'd bring in fresh, intelligent, well-educated but politically-savvy advisers.
  • He should clear his plate, so that he has thinking time, no need to hold on to so many portfolios and be bogged down by details.
  • He must have the big picture but details are worked out by others. I think also, that there are many policies that are not well explained and the PR (public relations) has been disastrous, but there is still time to do it right. He has the experience and intelligence to make things right.

Petanda baru konflik air Selangor hampir selesai

  1. Minggu depan, kerajaan Selangor akan bentangkan maklumat berkaitan penyelesaian menyeluruh penstrukturan industri air di bawah Seksyen 114 Akta Industri Perkhidmatan Air 2006 (WSIA 2006).
  2. Butiran itu akan didedahkan kepada umum berdasarkan perjumpaan MB Selangor dengan Menteri Tenaga, Teknologi Hijau dan Air (KeTTHA).
  3. Dalam pertemuan itu mereka berdua membincangkan butiran terperinci bagaimana kerajaan persekutuan mengguna pakai Seksyen 114 WSIA 2006 dan seterusnya membolehkan kerajaan negeri ‘campur tangan’ dalam syarikat- syarikat konsesi air di Selangor. Mereka juga telah meneliti perjanjian utama yang melibatkan  pembinaan Loji Rawatan Air Langat 2.
  4. MB Selangor sebelum itu berkata penguatkuasaan WSIA akan mengurangkan kos mengambil alih aset empat syarikat konsesi air sebanyak RM2 bilion kepada RM7.65 bilion. Empat syarikat konsesi itu ialah Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor (Syabas), Puncak Niaga Sdn Bhd (PNSB), Konsortium Abbas Sdn Bhd (Abbas) dan Syarikat Pengeluar Air Selangor Holdings Bhd (Splash).
  5. Pada 26 Februari lepas, kerajaan Selangor dan Persekutuan telah menandatangani Memorandum Persefahaman (MoU) untuk penstrukturan semula industri air di negeri ini yang telah berlanjutan sejak 2008.
  6. Melalui MoU itu, kerajaan negeri Selangor akan mengeluarkan kebenaran untuk merancang pembinaan Loji Rawatan Air Langat 2 dan Sistem Agihannya (LRAL2) berkuat kuasa 26 Februari lepas dan memastikan semua kebenaran berkaitan pembangunan projek LRAL2 diluluskan dalam tempoh 30 hari dari tarikh MoU ditandatangani.
  7. Sebagai tambahan, kerajaan Persekutuan bersedia menyuntik dana untuk membantu kerajaan negeri mengambil alih syarikat-syarikat konsesi air dan seterusnya membenarkannya menguruskan perkhidmatan bekalan air di Selangor melalui sebuah syarikat milik kerajaan negeri.
  8. Dalam pada itu, MB Selangor mengesahkan pihaknya menerima surat daripada KeTTHA berkenaan pembayaran dana tambahan RM2 bilion daripada kerajaan pusat kepada kerajaan negeri serta penerangan terma dan syarat penggunaan dana itu.
  9. Orang ramai mungkin berpuashati dengan usaha itu bagi menamatkan kemelut air di Selangor yang dikatakan semakin meruncing sejak beberapa tahun lalu. Namun bagi syarikat konsesi air yang mengendalikan loji-loji rawatan di Selangor, Kuala Lumpur dan Wilayah Persekutuan, apakah terma dan syarat mereka bakal dipenuhi?
  10. Apakah pembentangan minggu depan bakal mendebarkan mereka atau biasa-biasa saja kerana mereka sudah menjangkakan kerajaan Selangor tidak akan berganjak dari harga tawaran sebelum ini. Kini syarikat konsesi air sedang menunggu kebijaksanaan kerajaan Persekutuan menyelesaikan kemelut ini dalam tempoh terdekat.
  11. Kerajaan Negeri Selangor sebelum ini telah mengeluarkan tawaran akhir untuk membeli empat syarikat konsesi air negeri itu pada jumlah RM9.65 bilion dalam satu surat tawaran yang dihantar kepada pengendali syarikat berkenaan.
  12. Pada masa yang sama kerajaan Selangor akan membayar pulangan 12 peratus kepada keempat-empat syarikat pengendali air yang dikira sehingga 31 Disember 2012, tidak dikompaun dan dengan potongan bagi mana-mana pembayaran dividen yang terdahulu.
  13. Tawaran itu juga menyatakan bahawa kerajaan Selangor melalui KDEB akan menyelesaikan semua hutang berkaitan air tertunggak oleh empat syarikat termasuk bon dan pinjaman komersial serta pinjaman kerajaan yang berkaitan.
  14. MB Selangor bagaimanapun sedar syarikat pengendali terbabit tidak selesa dengan tawaran itu sambil mengesyorkan mereka membawa perkara itu ke timbangtara antarabangsa jika mahu menuntut jumlah wang yang lebih banyak lagi.
  15. Seperti yang diduga, tiga syarikat konsesi air, Syabas, Puncak Niaga dan Splash menolak tawaran itu manakala ABASS menerima tawaran berkenaan. Puncak Niaga, mengulangi syarat-syaratnya termasuk pulangan terkompaun ekuiti sebanyak 15% setahun diambil sebagai pampasan kepada PNSB untuk kerugian pendapatan pada masa akan datang.
  16. Puncak Niaga juga menunggu bayaran yang belum dijelaskan Syabas kepada PNSB untuk dijelaskan kepada syarikat induk kerana jumlah itu bagi perkhidmatan itu telah pun diberikan.
  17. Di pihak Gamuda pula, syarikat itu mempunyai 40% kepentingan dalam Splash. Gamuda menjelaskan bahawa tawaran itu adalah lebih rendah daripada nilai aset bersih (NAB) dan “tidak munasabah untuk diterima oleh syarikat itu”.
  18. Tawaran bersih itu adalah RM250.6 juta untuk Splash berbanding NAB Splash sehingga RM2.54 bilion setakat 31 Disember 2013 yang akan memberikan kerugian penjualan besar RM920 juta kepada syarikat. Tawaran RM250.6 juta itu adalah di bawah 10% daripada NAB Splash. Oleh itu, tawaran berkenaan tidak munasabah untuk diterima oleh syarikat itu.
  19. Sementara itu, penganalisis kewangan berharap penstrukturan semula air di Selangor boleh diselesaikan pada kaedah “willing buy, willing sell” kerana ia merupakan pendekatan komersial yang praktikal dalam menyelesaikan masalah pengambilalihan.
  20. Kaedah terbaik ialah, kerajaan Persekutuan perlu menambah lagi suntikan sejumlah dana tertentu selepas syarikat konsesi terbabit menjelaskan mereka tidak dapat menerima RM9.65bil tawaran pengambilalihan oleh Selangor kerana ia adalah terlalu rendah.
  21. Bagi kerajaan Selangor, walaupun ada rizab kerajaan negeri yang agak besar, namun pada masa yang sama ia masih menanggung hutang kepada Syabas dengan jumlah berbilion ringgit juga kerana tunggakan bayaran air percuma yang belum dijelaskan.
  22. Ini bererti kerajaan negeri sebenarnya tidak mampu membayar lebih daripada apa yang sudah ditawarkan kepada syarikat pengendali air yang sedia ada. Jika mampu sekalipun, kerajaan terpaksa bersikap `kedekut' kerana itulah sikap itulah yang paling kukuh bagi pemimpin untuk terus disenangi rakyat. 
  23. Penggunaan undang-undang WASIA untuk memaksa syarikat konsesi air menjual aset mereka dikhuatiri akan mengusir pelabur dari ketiga-tiga negeri terbabit. Mana-mana pengambilalihan secara paksa akan memberi implikasi terhadap pemegang kontrak konsesi.
  24. Selepas kebuntuan selama lima tahun yang mana enam tawaran ditolak, jika maklumat yang dibentangkan oleh kerajaan Selangor pada minggu depan masih tidak memuaskan, berkemungkinan Puncak Niaga Holdings Bhd dan Gamuda Bhd akan menyelesaikannya di peringkat timbang tara antarabangsa.

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

#MH370: Kenyataan penuh DS Hishammuddin -18 Mac 2014

  1. Berikut kenyataan Menteri Pertahanan dan Pemangku Menteri Pengangkutan Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein pada taklimat media mengenai operasi mencari pesawat Malaysia Airlines (MAS) Penerbangan MH370, di Sepang, Selangor, hari ini:
  2. Kenyataan pengenalan. Semalam, saya nyatakan bahawa operasi mencari MH370 telah memasuki fasa baharu, yang turut membawa cabaran-cabaran baharu dari segi diplomatik, teknikal dan logistik.
  3. Hari ini, saya akan memberikan anda perkembangan terkini mengenai aspek logistik dan diplomatik dalam operasi mencari itu. Operasi mencari dan menyelamat telah memasuki dimensi baharu peringkat antarabangsa.
  4. Pencarian masih diselaraskan oleh Malaysia, tetapi rakan-rakan kami telah memainkan peranan penting dalam menguruskan dan menjalankan operasi, dalam kawasan mereka sendiri dan juga di sektor yang telah dipersetujui bagi operasi mencari. Rakan sejawat saya, Menteri Luar Datuk Seri Anifah Aman akan memberikan kenyataan lebih terperinci mengenai usaha diplomatik kami pada masa ini.
  5. Dari segi logistik, dalam tempoh 24 jam lepas kami telah bekerja keras dengan negara-negara lain untuk menjuruskan pencarian di koridor-koridor. Kami memfokuskan kepada empat tugas: mengumpul maklumat daripada pengawasan satelit, analisis data daripada pengawasan radar, menambah aset udara dan permukaan, dan menambah jumlah pakar teknikal dan perkara berkaitan.
  6. Mengenai pengawasan satelit, saya tidak boleh dedahkan siapa memiliki keupayaan satelit, tetapi saya dapat sahkan bahawa kami telah menghubungi setiap negara relevan yang mempunyai akses kepada data satelit.
  7. Mengenai analisis data radar, di koridor selatan, Australia dan Indonesia telah bersetuju untuk mengetuai di bahagian masing-masing dalam pencarian di koridor. Di koridor utara, China dan Kazakhstan telah bersetuju untuk mengetuai pencarian di kawasan paling hampir dengan negara mereka.
  8. Mengenai aset udara dan permukaan, saya telah berhubung dengan hampir kesemua pemimpin Asean bagi meminta bantuan selanjutnya, termasuk aset dilengkapi keupayaan pengesanan dan pengawasan di laut dalam. Kami juga meminta rakan antarabangsa yang telah membantu kami untuk meneliti semua data pada radar primer mereka.
  9. Perkembangan terkini operasi. Di koridor utara, kami telah membahagikan kawasan pencarian kepada tujuh kuadran. Setiap daripada tujuh kuadran itu adalah 400 batu nautika darab 400 batu nautikal – atau 160,000 batu nautika persegi secara keseluruhannya.
  10. Kami juga membahagikan koridor selatan kepada tujuh kuadran. Sama seperti di utara, setiap kuadran meliputi kawasan 160,000 batu nautika persegi. Keseluruhan kawasan pencarian kini adalah 2.24 juta batu nautika persegi. Ini adalah kawasan pencarian yang amat luas. Dan ia sesuatu yang Malaysia tidak mampu lakukan secara bersendirian. Saya dengan ini amat berbesar hati bahawa terdapat begitu banyak negara yang tampil menawarkan bantuan dan sokongan terhadap operasi mencari dan menyelamat ini.
  11. Dari segi penghantaran aset-aset spesifik. Hari ini, Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia menghantar dua lagi kapal ke koridor selatan. Penghantaran ini termasuk sebuah helikopter Super Lynx, yang boleh beroperasi daripada mana-mana dua kapal itu. Ini menjadikan jumlah kapal Malaysia dihantar ke koridor selatan kepada empat buah, dengan dua helikopter Super Lynx.
  12. Hari ini Malaysia turut menghantar dua pesawat C-130 ke sektor Indonesia dalam pencarian di koridor selatan. Negara-negara lain turut menyumbang dengan aset-aset berikut:  Amerika Syarikat menghantar sebuah P-8 Poseidon, dan akan menghantar sebuah pesawat P-3 Orion.
  13. Australia, sepertimana saya sebut semalam, telah menghantar tiga P-3 Orion dan sebuah C-130 Hercules. New Zealand menghantar sebuah P-3 Orion untuk membantu usaha pencarian oleh Australia. Republik Korea menjanjikan sebuah P-3 Orion dan sebuah C-130 Hercules. Jepun, menjanjikan dua P-3 Orion, dua C-130 dan sebuah jet Gulfstream. UAE menjanjikan sebuah pesawat C-17 dan sebuah pesawat Bombardier Dash-8.
  14. Aset dari Korea, Jepun, dan UAE kini berada di Malaysia dan sedang menunggu arahan daripada kerajaan masing-masing. Selain menghantar aset-asetnya ke koridor utara, China juga membuat perjanjian dengan Australia untuk menghantar sebuah pesawat ke koridor selatan.
  15. ACARS (Sistem Pelaporan dan Komunikasi Pesawat). Saya ingin menjelaskan mengenai apa telah diperkatakan mengenai ACARS dan turutan kejadian sebelum pesawat berpatah balik.
  16. Pada Sabtu, kami menyatakan bahawa  – dan saya petik: “Berdasarkan maklumat baharu daripada satelit, kami boleh katakan dengan kepastian tahap tinggi bahawa Sistem Pelaporan dan Komunikasi Pesawat (ACARS) dimatikan sejurus sebelum pesawat itu sampai ke pantai timur Semenanjung Malaysia.
  17. "Tidak lama selepas itu, dekat sempadan antara kawalan trafik udara Malaysia dan Vietnam, transponder pesawat itu dimatikan.” Dapatan ini dirumuskan secara bersama dengan wakil-wakil pasukan penyiasat utama antarabangsa, berdasarkan maklumat diperoleh pada waktu itu.
  18. Semalam, Malaysia Airlines menjelaskan bahawa kami tidak dapat tentukan secara tepat bila ACARS dimatikan, hanya bahawa ia berlaku dalam tempoh waktu spesifik: dari 01:07 – anggaran ketika pesawat itu sampai ke pantai timur Semenanjung Malaysia, dan transmisi terakhir ACARS berlaku – hingga 01:37, iaitu masa pelaporan seterusnya dijadualkan. Ini sebenarnya yang berlaku.
  19. Ini tidak mengubah kepercayaan kami, seperti dinyatakan, bahawa sehingga ke titik ia keluar daripada liputan radar primer tentera, pergerakan pesawat itu adalah konsisten dengan tindakan sengaja oleh seseorang dalam pesawat itu. Ini menjadi tumpuan pasukan penyiasat.
  20. Adalah juga penting untuk ditegaskan bahawa masa tepat ACARS dimatikan tidak memberikan tekanan kepada operasi mencari dan menyelamat. Kami tahu bahawa kedudukan terakhir pesawat seperti disahkan oleh pasukan penyiasat antarabangsa adalah sama ada di koridor utara atau selatan, yang menjadi fokus usaha mencari dan menyelamat. Keutamaan kami ialah mencari pesawat itu.
  21. Siasatan Polis. Saya sedar ramai mengikuti dengan dekat dan mahu mengetahui perkembangan siasatan Polis Diraja Malaysia terhadap penumpang dan anak kapal MH370. Saya harap anda faham bahawa saya tidak boleh mengulas mengenai butiran siasatan itu, yang masih berjalan.
  22. Saya juga ingin menyatakan bahawa usaha mencari MH370 adalah lebih penting daripada politik. Saya menggesa semua rakyat Malaysia untuk mengetepikan perbezaan kita dan bersatu dalam waktu sukar ini tatkala kami menumpukan usaha untuk mencari pesawat itu dan 239 orang di dalamnya.
  23. Kenyataan penutup. Operasi mencari MH370 terus menjadi keutamaan kami. Kami akan terus memberikan anda perkembangan terkini operasi ini, termasuk maklumat mengenai aset-aset digunakan, sebaik sahaja maklumat itu diperoleh. Beberapa hari lepas kami telah menghubungi rakan-rakan kami di kawasan yang menjadi tumpuan operasi mencari.
  24. Kerjasama yang kami terima dalam fasa pertama diteruskan dalam fasa baharu ini. Malah, lebih banyak komitmen diberikan kepada kami dalam operasi rumit dan besar ini, melibatkan pelbagai negara. Pada masa sama, doa kami terus bersama-sama anggota keluarga dan rakan penumpang dan anak kapal pesawat.- Bernama

#MH370 may be in Somalia or Mongolia

  1. It’s quite funny when a so-called RMAF staff who involved in the search for missing flight MH370 have told a Chinese web portal Tencent' about the plane whereabouts.
  2. As far as any military policy is concerned, nobody will pass or share information to “strangers” outside military compound. They have sworn on that. But when the Chinese web portal wrote that a RMAF official have said different thing about MH370, question arise whether the portal received info from whom? Malaysia Chinese? China Chinese? American Chinese? Or the web has been paid to create speculation based on a poison pen letter?
  3. Whatever the intention is, the portal has openly speculated that a RMAF staff gave a view of the flight situation, differ from info provided by the Malaysian government.
  4. He claimed that the RMAF knowingly and continuously tracked the plane on radar for more than an hour after communication with ground control was severed in the early hours of March 8.
  5. RMAF knew very well the plane they were tracking on radar was flight MH370 and followed it as it climbed above the Boeing 777's approved altitude of 45,000ft and took a sharp turn to the west before descending unevenly to 23,000ft on the approach to the island of Penang.
  6. The plane then climbed back to 35,000ft and headed northwest towards the Indian Ocean, with the final reading showing it above the tiny island of Pulau Perak in the Strait of Malacca at around 2.40am.Though they had known this all along, Malaysian authorities did not reveal this crucial information until March 15, a week after the plane's disappearance, the official claimed.
  7. It also meant that Malaysia knew from the beginning that the plane — if it had crashed — was likely in the Strait of Malacca region on the west side of the country as opposed to the South China Sea on the east side, where dozens of ships and aircraft from other countries searched fruitlessly for days.
  8. The first public announcement made by Malaysia Airlines CEO Ahmad Jauhari Yahya on Saturday morning was that the plane had remained in contact until 2:40am, but the timing was subsequently changed to 1:20am, just as communications was being handed over from Malaysian air traffic controllers to their counterparts in Vietnam.
  9. It has since been revealed that the plane's transponder was "deliberately" switched off at 1:21am and that it had completely vanished off Malaysian civilian radar screens at roughly 1:30am. But if the official's claims are to be believed, then Malaysian authorities knew exactly where the plane was and what it was doing for another 70 minutes.
  10. The official's revelations about Malaysia's knowledge about the flight's true last point of contact are also consistent with why Datuk Azharuddin Abdul Rahman, director-general of the Malaysia's Department of Civil Aviation, said "there are some things that I can tell you and some things that I can't" when explaining why the search was being expanded to the Strait of Malacca on March 11. In fact, the official said, Malaysia had been secretly searching that region all along.
  11. Meanwhile, the number of countries involved in the search, as it enters its ninth day, has expanded from 14 to 25 and will take in large tracts of land crossing 11 countries as well as deep and remote areas of ocean. The new focus comes after the Malaysian prime minister, Najib Razak, declared Saturday that satellite "pings" received nearly seven hours after takeoff placed flight MH370 in two possible flight corridors: one between Thailand and Kazakhstan, and another between Indonesia and the southern Indian Ocean.
  12. Another Malaysian air force official told Tencent that flight MH370 could have flown west as far as Somalia or north past Thailand and Myanmar to the southern part of Mongolia. The chosen flight path would have been close to the borders of several countries, where radar detection is relatively weak, the official added.
  13. Whoever among the 239 people on board that hijacked MH370 must have been very familiar with the geography near Malaysia as well the capabilities of both civilian and military radar, the official said, adding that it is common knowledge in the aviation industry that both Somalia and southern Mongolia are places that do not require government permission to perform a landing. Somalia is effectively in a state of anarchy due to civil war, while Mongolia has several secret airports providing safe landing strips for smugglers, the official added.

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

#MH370 "terror or suicide", the world tries to solve puzzle

  1. As the world scrambles to solve the frustrating puzzle of the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, every possible motive is being looked at including terrorism, hijack and suicide.
  2. More chilling, though, is a claim by an American expert that the plane’s disappearance could be part of a suicide plot by a crew member. A top terrorism expert claimed that there was a growing consensus that this was a suicide by the pilot or co-pilot.
  3. They wanted to get as far away and land in the farthest and deepest part of the ocean, said Rep Pete King (R-LI), chair of the House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Counterterrorism and Intel­ligence.
  4. The scheme might have hinged on the hope that family members could still collect life insurance on the dead pilot or co-pilot. If they never find the plane, they can’t call it suicide. Malaysian government did not discount the possibility when asked about it.
  5. It is also learnt that police are delving into the behaviour patterns of the crew members in the days prior to the flight. It is believed MH370 headed south towards the Indian Ocean after its “turnback” as some of the deepest spots of any ocean were to be found there. Experts expressed doubt that the pilot and co-pilot were both in on the plan, one or the other would have to somehow silence the other.
  6. The plane’s sharp climb to 45,000 feet, as recorded by Malaysian military radar, would probably have “incapacitated” everyone outside the cockpit by rapidly reducing oxygen levels in the cabin.
  7. Meanwhile, police are investigating the identity of a Malaysian pilot supposedly connected to a convicted “British shoe bomber” and if he was connected to the missing MH370 aircraft.
  8. Authorities are reportedly investigating a possible terror plot in the case of the missing MH370 after an al-Qaeda informant told a court how a group of Malaysian men planned to hijack a passenger jet.
  9. A British-born Muslim, Saajid Badat, who also happens to be the son-in-law of Osama Laden, told a New York court that four or five Malaysian men had planned to use a bomb hidden in a shoe to blow open the cockpit door of a passenger plane and hijack the flight.
  10. Badat, who security experts have labelled as "credible", told the court that he had met the jihadists - including a pilot - in Afghanistan and had supplied them with a shoe bomb.
  11. “I gave one of my shoes to the Malaysians. I think it was to access the cockpit.” The revelations come just a day after Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak admitted that the Boeing 777's communications system had been switched off deliberately "by someone on the plane.
  12. “These spectaculars take a long time in the planning,” said a British security source. Confirmation that a missing Malaysian airliner was deliberately diverted suggests several scenarios that have sharpened scrutiny of the passengers and cockpit crew, with police reportedly searching the pilot's home.
  13. Najib announced that satellite and radar data clearly indicated the plane's automated communications had been disabled and the plane then turned away from its intended path and flown on for hours.
  14. “These movements are consistent with deliberate action by someone on the plane," he said, adding that investigators had consequently "refocused their investigation into crew and passengers on board."
  15. Since the September 11, 2001 terror attacks, the International Civil Airline Organisation has mandated high security standards for plane cockpits. Cockpit doors -- reinforced to withstand bullets -- must be locked from the inside before push off from the gate.
  16. "So for me there's only a few scenarios," said Paul Yap, an aviation lecturer at Temasek Polytechnic in Singapore. "First the people involved in the deliberate actions are the pilots, one of them or both of them in cahoots. Then we have a scenario where terrorists make the pilots change course and switch off the transponders under duress, maybe threatening to kill passengers," Yap said.
  17. The transponder of MH370 was switched off around the time analysts said it would have reached its cruising altitude, when pilots often emerge to take a bathroom or coffee break.
  18. The hijackers of the four planes used in the 9/11 attacks turned off the transponders of three of the jets. It was not clear if police have yet searched the homes of the other crew on Flight MH370, including that of First Officer Fariq, 27. His record and personal life have already come under scrutiny.
  19. An Australian television report broadcast an interview with a young South African woman who said Fariq and another pilot colleague invited them into the cockpit of a flight he co-piloted from Phuket, Thailand to Kuala Lumpur in 2011.
  20. Since 9/11, passengers have been prohibited from entering cockpits during a flight. Malaysia Airlines has said it was "shocked" by the report, but that it could not verify the claims.
  21. The son of a high-ranking official in the public works department of a Malaysian state, Fariq joined Malaysia Airlines when he was 20. He is a mild-mannered "good boy" who regularly visited his neighbourhood mosque outside Kuala Lumpur, said the mosque's imam, or spiritual leader.
  22. If hijackers are suspected, then the glare of suspicion will fall again on two passengers who boarded with stolen EU passports. Interpol had identified the two men as Iranians: Seyed Mohammed Reza Delavar, who used a stolen Italian passport, and Pouria Nourmohammadi, who used an Austrian one. Both passports had been stolen in Thailand.
  23. THEORY: Pilot suicide WHY: While rare, there have been cases of pilots crashing planes to take their own lives. In December 1997, a SilkAir Boeing 737 from Jakarta to Singapore plunged into a river in Indonesia with the loss of 104 passengers and crew. US investigators blamed pilot suicide.
  24. EXPERT VIEW: A suicide bid "is possible and if that's the case there might not be a lot of debris because the plane would have come down in relative structural integrity", said Terence Fan, aviation expert at Singapore Management University.
  25. "The airplane is not meant to float and if the airplane sinks in the water, water will go inside because the door seals are not meant to seal water." Nothing has emerged to suggest any serious psychological problems with either of the pilots who were flying MH370.
  26. Is hijacking a possibility?  Interpol's information suggested the pair were "probably not terrorists", Noble said at the time. Adam Dolnik, a professor of terrorism studies at the University of Wollongong in Australia, said he still doubted that organised terrorism was behind the Malaysian plane mystery.
  27. While a group like Al-Qaeda "would love to bring down an airliner", a Malaysia Airlines plane made little sense as a target and the stolen passports had an "amateurish" element, Dolnik said.
  28. "Terrorists don't do (hijackings), because the chances of success have gone down," he said, citing the challenge of bringing weapons onto a plane and subduing other passengers. There has been no indication yet of any possible terrorist involvement. But some academics suggest the theory requires further consideration.
  29. "Investigations should focus on criminal and terrorist motives," said Rohan Gunaratna, a terrorism expert at Singapore's Nanyang Technological University. "It is likely that the aircraft was hijacked by a team knowledgeable about airport and aircraft security. It is likely they are supported by a competent team from the ground." Malaysia has not been the target of any notable terror attacks. But terror analysts say it is home to several individuals alleged to be operatives of militant Islamic groups such as the Al-Qaeda linked Jemaah Islamiyah.
  30. Most of the passengers on the Beijing-bound Malaysia Airlines flight were Chinese nationals. China is grappling with simmering anger among its Muslim ethnic Uighur minority in the country's remote far west, many of whom openly complain of Chinese repression.
  31. It has blamed Uighur separatists for a string of violent incidents including a coordinated knife attack in the south western city of Kunming on March 1 that left 29 people dead. Malaysia has deported at least 17 Uighur Muslims who were travelling on fake passports back to China since 2011.
  32. As of now, the missing MH370 remains mistery. -- Bloggers Note

MH370 may have stalked SIA flight to the north

  1. A theory that lost flight MH370 could have stalked a Barcelona-bound Singapore Airlines flight undetected by radar has emerged from online research that mirrors the massive international search and rescue operations over the past 10 days.
  2. The theory is consistent with a flight path along an arc that ends at the Caspian Sea in the north and southern Indian Ocean in the south now being searched by at least 26 nations.
  3. Speculators have come up with a similar theory, saying whoever in control of the missing Boeing 777-200ER would just have to switch off all the plane's lights and follow the night to avoid visual contact.
  4. Once the transponders are off and the lights are dimmed, Flight MH370 becomes a ghost flight in the night sky. It can follow other planes closely or fly below them without anyone knowing. It will know where the other planes are from the radio chatter.
  5. A speculator suggested the theory that lost Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777-200ER had shadowed the Barcelona-bound SQ68 for most of the seven hours it remained in the air.
  6. Incidentally, Flight SQ68 is a Boeing 777-300ER, a slightly longer version of the Malaysia Airlines passenger jet by 33 feet, and travelled near MH370 when it vanished from Malaysian military radar screens at 2.15am on March 8, 2014.
  7. It's the early hours of the morning and without some warning, if a radar operator noticed two primary radar returns in the same area, but had a mode 3A/C response from the other plane, it probably wouldn't draw much attention. Mode 3/A is used to identify each aircraft in the radar's coverage area. Mode C is used to request/report an aircraft's altitude.
  8. Piggybacking on SQ68. According to Singapore Airlines website, flight SQ68 was scheduled to leave the republic's Changi airport at 1.05am for Barcelona, some 25 minutes after MH370 flew from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing on the other direction.
  9. It looks like if MH370 turned after lost contact at 0130 and followed the track back over Malaysia and along the way points previously discussed, it would be in the position shown at 0215, which is 200NM NW of Penang.
  10. This position is only about 30NM behind the 0215 position of SQ68 which is also a 777. If MH370 had followed SQ68 along a north-west path over India, which he speculated, the missing passenger jet would be near the SIA jetliner over Pakistan five hours from its last known position at 2.15am.
  11. So, by closely following SQ68 at a similar altitude and speed, it's likely that any Indian radar operator would not notice or question two closely placed primary radar returns as long as he had the expected squawk from SQ68.
  12. It came to the same conclusion that flight MH370 had flown to all the navigational waypoints disclosed by the Malaysian authorities until it was near the vicinity of SQ68 at about 2.15am.
  13. It became apparent that when inspecting SQ68’s flight path history that MH370 had positioned itself directly behind the SIA plane "at approximately 18:00UTC and over the next 15 minutes had been following SIA68".
  14. MH370 undetected without transponders. It is believed that MH370 likely flew in the shadow of SIA68 through India and Afghanistan airspace. As MH370 was flying 'dark' without transponder / ADS-B output, SIA68 would have had no knowledge that MH370 was anywhere around and as it entered Indian airspace, it would have shown up as one single blip on the radar with only the transponder information of SIA68 lighting up ATC and military radar screens.
  15. The SIA flight would not have detected the missing MH370 as "the Boeing 777 utilises a TCAS system for traffic avoidance; the system would ordinarily provide alerts and visualisation to pilots if another airplane was too close.
  16. But that system only operates by receiving the transponder information from other planes and displaying it for the pilot. If MH370 was flying without the transponder, it would have been invisible to SIA68.
  17. In addition, the TCAS system on board MH370 would have enabled the pilot(s) to easily locate and approach SIA68 over the Straits of Malacca as they appeared to have done. The system would have shown them the flight’s direction of travel and the altitude it was traveling which would have enabled them to perfectly time an intercept right behind the other Boeing 777.
  18. While MH370 did not follow SQ68 to Spain, it would have broken free from the shadow of the larger SIA jetliner and "could have then flown a path to it’s final landing site "such as China's Xingjiang province, Kyrgyzstan, or Turkmenistan.
  19. Each of these final locations would match up almost perfectly with the 7.5 hours of total flight time and trailing SIA68.  In addition, these locations are all possibilities that are on the 'ARC' and fit with the data provided by Inmarsat from the SATCOM’s last known ping at 01:11UTC.
  20. No sign of MH370. Central Asian neighbours Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan said yesterday that no unidentified planes had crossed their airspace on March 8, making it unlikely that the lost Malaysia Airlines passenger jet could have diverted along a northern route via Thailand, said a Reuters report. But the Malaysian national carrier's planes made nine regular flights to and from Europe over Kazakhstan's territory on March 8, officials said.
  21. Aviation officials in Pakistan and India as well as Taliban militants in Afghanistan also told Reuters they knew nothing about the whereabouts of the missing plane after the search was extended into their territory from yesterday.
  22. Malaysia has sent diplomatic notes to 14 nations requesting help for search and rescue operations, apart from radar and satellite intelligence, to piece together any trace of the missing wide-body plane.
  23. The search for the missing jet, dubbed as an "unprecedented aviation mystery", continues today, some 240 hours after it vanished into thin air. -- Aviation Blogger

Millions track for MH370, floating suitcases found in Malacca

  1. WASHINGTON: Three million people have joined an effort led by a satellite operator to locate the missing Malaysia Airlines plane, in what may be the largest crowd sourcing project of its kind.
  2. The satellite firm DigitalGlobe said that its search area now has  some 24,000 square kilometres (9,000 square miles) and that more images are  being added daily, including a new area in the Indian Ocean.
  3. The company said more than three million people have participated in the program, with some 257 million “map views” and 2.9 million areas “tagged” by participants.
  4. DigitalGlobe activated its crowd sourcing platform called Tomnod on March 11, inviting the public to look at the imagery from its five high-definition satellites to help in the search.
  5. The response was so great it overloaded the system’s computers for a time last week. The company uses an algorithm called CrowdRank to determine the most promising leads, paying close attention to overlap where people tagged the same location.
  6. “DigitalGlobe’s expert analysts will examine the tags to identify the top 10 or so most notable areas and share the information with customers and authorities,” a statement said.
  7. Although no definitive records are kept on crowd sourcing, this effort is likely one of the largest in history, and Digital Globe said it was bigger than the relief effort for Typhoon Haiyan last November in the Philippines.
  8. “While this crowd sourced effort is unlikely to find the missing Malaysia Flight 370, it may help to identify where the aircraft is not located, thus saving critical time for the professional image analysts and responders.”  
  9. Crowd sourcing may have helped responders in 2012 after Superstorm Sandy in the eastern US and was also used during the devastating 2010 Haiti earthquake. But crowd sourcing also pointed in the wrong direction after last year’s Boston Marathon bombings. Effective use of crowdsourcing needs hefty computing power which can separate good leads from bad ones, and that this is improving. —AFP.
  10. Meanwhile in Malacca Straits, a Greek petrochemical tank was asked to keep an eye out for ‘floating suitcases’ at the Straits of Malacca here yesterday. Elka Athina, a barge heading to Suez was alerted by Indonesian authorities over radio, warning them that they were ‘approaching a field of debris’. Several Greek news portals, Tovima and Times of Change were abuzz as sources from the barge alerted them over the apparent sighting. The portals reported several other barges passing the the busy straits were ‘rushed’ to a coordinate off Sumatran waters.
  11. Another Greek portal published an audio interview with a first officer of the ship, claiming that it was steaming towards a ‘debrs zone’ in the northern waters of the Malacca Strait.
  12. However, checks with online ship tracking websites revealed that the tanker had sailed passed the debris field at about 9.30pm (Malaysia Time). It is believed that authorities had red flagged a possible area in the straits after users of the map crowdsourcing site Tomnod have indicated a possible debris field in the Straits of Malacca.
  13. A twitter user, Richard Barrow, posted a satellite image of ‘a potential crash site’ and ‘possible floating seats’ on the surface of the ocean at coordinate 5°39'08.0"N 98°50'38.0"E.
  14. The search for Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 has come to a gruelling 10th day, with over 20 countries involved in the search of the missing aircraft which had deviated from its flight path last Saturday. It was carrying 239 people, and was heading to Beijing from Kuala Lumpur.
  15. The search is now focused on two possible corridors, stretching from the border of Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan to northern Thailand; or Southern coordinator, stretching form Indonesia to the southern Indian Ocean, after satellites received pings from the aircraft, nearly six hours after it was reported to have disappeared.